At CIRCLE we believe that building and supporting an interdisciplinary community is the cornerstone of our work to foster and support successful interdisciplinary research, teaching, and engagement at MSU. The core of this work is our Faculty Affiliate Program. Affiliates will have special access to CIRCLE social events, trainings, programs, and support. Affiliate faculty may also serve as mentors for early career interdisciplinarians or serve on committees that will shape the future of CIRCLE.
How to Apply
CIRCLE welcomes tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, academic specialists, postdocs, and staff members from across campus.
If you would like to join CIRCLE affiliate faculty, please submit a 1-page letter of inquiry (as a PDF) and a current CV.
Please send submissions to with "CIRCLE Affiliate" in the subject line.
Letters should include:
- Your current research/teaching/engagement interests
- Your history of interdisciplinary activity and/or your current interest in interdisciplinarity
- How you hope to engage with CIRCLE as an affiliate faculty member
Ongoing Programming
CIRCLE Interdisciplinary Write-ins
These monthly write-ins provide opportunities for scholars to work in a quiet environment, meet fellow interdisciplinarians, and enjoy coffee and donuts. We also provide optional structures and guides for setting and accomplishing goals.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop Series
This three-part series will provide training in interdisciplinary collaboration across contexts and meet potential collaborators from around campus. The workshop series is suggested for anyone interested in applying for the Interdisciplinary Seed Grants (see below).
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Workshops
These workshops will provide tools for successful interdisciplinary teaching and practices that contribute to strong interdisciplinary course design, co-teaching collaboration, and meaningful student engagement. This workshop is suggested for anyone interested in applying for teaching and learning focused Interdisciplinary Seed Grants (see below).
CIRCLE hosts several social events throughout the year. These informal events are designed to help build interdisciplinary community across MSU. Dates and locations will be announced throughout the year.
CIRCLE Seed Grants
Beginning in spring 2024, CIRCLE opened applications for Interdisciplinary Seed Grants. These grants provide seed funding as well as facilitation support for one year. In addition, grant projects will contribute to ongoing CIRCLE research on interdisciplinarity. We will offer grants for both research projects as well as teaching and learning projects. Preference will be given to proposals that include at least one CIRCLE affiliate who has completed the workshop series.
CIRCLE Scholar-in-Residence
Affiliates are eligible to apply for a one-year residency with CIRCLE. The residency offers a 25% assignment in CIRCLE to conduct research into the nature of interdisciplinary research, teaching, or engagement. More information will be available soon.
Stay tuned for additional programming and opportunities for CIRCLE Affiliate Faculty!