
Leadership Team

Doug Gage

Douglas A. Gage, Ph.D.

Vice President

Administrative Support: Jamie Flanagan, for appointments please email vprappts@msu.edu
Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: gage@msu.edu
All contacts: Office of Research and Innovation

Doug Gage currently serves as the Vice President for Research and Innovation, where he oversees strategic initiatives and support for the university’s research enterprise and $932 million in annual research expenditures. He is also a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The Office of Research and Innovation supports MSU’s research and creative activity by administering research funding, ensuring research integrity for both faculty and students, providing grant support services, fostering collaboration, technology transfer and commercialization, and overseeing regulatory compliance.

Trained as a plant biochemist and a researcher for more than 30 years, Dr. Gage’s research focused on analytical biochemistry and the metabolic engineering of plant biochemical pathways. Mid-career, he leveraged this expertise to serve as the senior director leading the Discovery biomarker effort at Pfizer Global Research and Development in Ann Arbor for six years before rejoining MSU. Today, he remains active with the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization Hub, and the Board of the Corewell (Spectrum Health)-MSU Research Alliance. 

Gage's additional leadership roles include serving as co-chair of the research implementation work group of the MSU Strategic Plan 2030, and as research chair for the new partnership with Henry Ford Health. He also sits on the board of the MSU Research Foundation, the Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope (SOAR) in Cerro Pachón, Chile, and several MSU governance groups including the executive space committee and the Century Bond steering committee.

Along with fostering collaboration, excellence and integrity in research, he continues to lead the Global Impact Initiative at MSU, an aggressive plan to recruit more than 100 faculty researchers in exciting new areas including advanced physical science, precision health, plant resilience, autonomous vehicles, and more.

Assistant and Associate Vice Presidents

Doug Buhler

Douglas Buhler, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation

Administrative Support: Sydney Bongard, for appointments please email vprappts@msu.edu
Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: buhler@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Interdisciplinary research related to food, environment, water, and international projectsDouglas Buhler517-355-0306
Training Grants and collaborations with the Graduate SchoolDouglas Buhler517-355-0306
Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Water Alliance and CRISDouglas Buhler517-355-0306
Uncrewed Aerial and Submersible Vehicles (“Drones”)Douglas Buhler517-355-0306
Administrative duties including PI Waivers and F&A Cost Exception Requests, space allocations, matches and letters of supportDouglas Buhler517-355-0306


Kay Connelly

Kay Connelly, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation

Administrative Support: Sydney Bongard, for appointments please email vprappts@msu.edu
Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: conne166@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Global Impact Initiative AdministrationKay Connelly517-355-0306

Centers and Institutes Administration


Kay Connelly517-355-0306
Shared Research Infrastructure, OR&I Cores, and equipment requestsKay Connelly517-355-0306
Grant Proposal Services and grant mentoring programsAngie Kankula517-355-0306
Institutionally Limited Proposals, Tetrad Interdisciplinary Research Funding ProgramMelissa Buell517-432-3773
Administrative duties including matches, support letters, and space allocationsKay Connelly517-355-0306


Walt Esselman

Walt Esselman, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President for Research and Innovation

Phone: 517-432-4789
Email: esselman@msu.edu


Charles Hasemann

Charles A. Hasemann, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development

Administrative Support: Marta Sinclair, for appointments please email palmer91@msu.edu
Phone: 517-884-2370
Email: haseman1@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
MSU Innovation CenterCharles A. Hasemann517-884-2373
MSU Business ConnectCharles A. Hasemann517-884-2373
MSU TechnologiesAnne DiSante517-884-1826
Axia Institute - MidlandJohn Hatfield989-423-2046
Internal Funding ProgramsMelissa Buell517-432-3773
MSU Bioeconomy Institute - Lansing & HollandDoug Heemstra616-395-8958
MSU St. Andrews - MidlandCharles A. Hasemann517-884-2373


Laura McCabe

Laura McCabe, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Research Regulatory Support

Administrative Support: Sara Beatty
Phone: 517-432-4500
Email: mccabel@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Office of Research Regulatory Support (ORRS)Laura McCabe517-432-4500
Conflict Disclosures and Management (CDM)Alisia Lamborghini517-884-7000
Campus Animal Resources (CAR)Danielle Ferguson517-353-5064
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)Kevin Eisenbeis517-432-5275
Export Control & Trade SanctionsKrista Campeau517-432-4499
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)Kristen Koritnik517-432-5275
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)Sandy Wilkins517-432-8103


Twila Reighley

Twila Reighley, MBA

Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs

The Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration reports to both the Vice President for Research and Innovation and the Vice President for Finance and Treasurer.

Administrative Support: Raeann Hagen-Davis 
Phone: 517-884-4367
Email: reighley@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Sponsored Programs AdministrationTwila Reighley517-884-4367
Office of Sponsored Programs (Preaward)Katherine Cook517-884-4237
Contract & Grant Administration (Postaward)Evonne Pedawi517-884-4234


John Albrecht

John Albrecht, Ph.D.

Executive Director - University Research Organization (URO)

Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: uro@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactEmail
Research Administrator, UROBrooke Gallagher-Rademacheruro@msu.edu
Office Coordinator, URO Shannon Dalekuro@msu.edu


Heather Bedevia

Heather Bedevia

MAU Human Resources Director

Administrative support: Tabatha Lynde, for appointments please email meadetab@msu.edu.

Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: bedeviah@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactEmail
Human Resources Business Partner for ICER, URC, RIO, CSTAT, IIT, ORIAndrea Tabertaberand@msu.edu
Human Resources Business Partner for Axia Institute, Bioeconomy Institute, MSU Midland, Innovation Center, MSU Technologies, Business ConnectJanelle Campbellfloresj4@msu.edu
Human Resources Business Partner for SPA/OSP, RTSF, QBEAM, Elemental Health, CIRCLE, EEBTracy Halloranhallor27@osp.msu.edu
Human Resources Business Partner for CAR, EHS, ECTS, HRPP, IACUC, CDMMichelle Keele 
Human Resources Coordinator for ICER, URC, RIO, CSTAT, IIT, ORIJennifer Pargoffpargoffj@msu.edu
Human Resources Coordinator for Axia Institute, Bioeconomy Institute, MSU Midland, Innovation Center, MSU Technologies, Business ConnectJenna Cornishcornis20@msu.edu


Charles "Lee" Cox

Charles "Lee" Cox, Ph.D.

Research Integrity Officer

The Research Integrity Officer reports directly to the President with secondary responsibility to the Vice President for Research and Innovation.

Phone: 517-432-6698 
Email: RIO@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Research Integrity CoordinatorPaula Jackson517-355-0306
RECR Education Program DirectorGreg Swain517-355-0306


John Furcean

John Furcean

Director of Research Technology and Compliance

Phone: 517-355-0306 
Email: furceanj@msu.edu

Research Technology and Software (Generative AI, BioRender, Overleaf)furceanj@msu.edu
Research SecurityORI.Security@msu.edu
Regulated Research EnclaveRegulatedResearchIT@msu.edu


Brooke Gallagher-Rademacher

Brooke Gallagher-Rademacher

Chief of Staff

Administrative support: Samantha Hawkins, for appointments please email hawki379@msu.edu.

Phone: 517-355-0306

Email: galla106@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Finance Operations for Bioeconomy Institute, ICER, EEB, RTSF, and MSU St. AndrewsLeslie Genest517-355-0306
Internal Grants Programs AccountingMelissa Buell517-355-0306
Research and Innovation Financial AnalystPatrick LaFontaine517-355-0306
Research Administrator, University Research Organization (URO)Ryan McGerty517-355-0306
Finance Operations for Innovation Center, CSTAT, Axia Institute, OSP/CGA, and PAGMStaci Starck517-355-0306
Research and Innovation FinanceCheryl Chapman517-355-0306


Melanie Kauffman

Melanie Kauffman, MBA

Director of Communications

Faculty Resources for Communicating Research

Phone: 517-355-0306

Email: kauffm59@msu.edu

UnitPrimary ContactPhone Number
Events and Special Projects Coordination, Event AccessibilityTanya Bakija517-355-0306
ICER Communications Manager, Research and Innovation Content StrategistMichelle David517-355-0306
Website Content, Web Accessibility, and Digital CommunicationsErik Heckel517-355-0306


Honglei Chen

Honglei Chen, M.D., Ph.D.

MSU Research Foundation Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Academic Leadership Fellow 2023-2024

Phone: 517-353-8623
Email: chenho19@msu.edu


Jeff MacKeigan

Jeff MacKeigan, Ph.D.

Professor Department of Pediatrics and Human Development
Senior Fellow for Research Infrastructure 2024-2026

Administrative support: Sydney Bongard, for appointments please email ORI.AdminSupport@msu.edu

Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: mackeig1@msu.edu



Pat Soranno

Patricia Soranno, Ph.D.

Professor Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Senior Fellow for Research Infrastructure 2024-2026

Administrative support: Sydney Bongard, for appointments please email ORI.AdminSupport@msu.edu

Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: soranno@msu.edu


Irving Vega

Irving Vega, Ph.D.

Red Cedar Distinguished Professor, Translational Neuroscience
Academic Leadership Fellow 2022-2024

Phone: 517-355-0306
Email: vegaie@msu.edu