
Community-Engaged Research: Getting Started

Community-Engaged Research: Getting Started

November 6, 2020
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Online via Zoom
Attention: Faculty, Academic Staff, and Graduate Students

Interested in collaborating with K-12 schools, nonprofits, industry, or government partners on your research? New to community-engaged research and wondering how to get started? Curious about how to establish partnerships for your community-engaged research? Then this workshop is for you. Together, we will review the basics of community-engaged research, including definitions, examples from multiple disciplines, theories and conceptual frameworks, partnership building, and community engagement practices. Participants will come away with tools and resources for initiating conversations with community partners about how to work together on research.

Presenters: Jessica Barnes-Najor, Director for Community Partnerships
Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research

Co-Sponsors: Academic Advancement Network, Vice President for Research & Innovation, The Graduate School