6/10/20 Wednesday: EHS: Practices and Protocols for Returning to Work
To log into this interactive webinar immediately between 10a - 11a, please click here (password: wlo2020)
Presented by: Genevieve Cottrell, Amber Bitters, Jamie Willard, Lindsey Brownlee, Phil Weinstein and Kevin Eisenbeis w/ Environmental Health & Safety
Join us to discuss expectations, protocols, tips and practices for returning to work, including:
- Safety practices for different types of environments (research, teaching vs. office areas, etc.)
- Policies/protocols that apply to all job types
- Proper use of PPE
- Sanitizing spaces, etc.
For more information on EHS, visit their website: https://ehs.msu.edu/
For more information on reopening campus, visit MSU's website: https://msu.edu/coronavirus/reopening-campus/