
Grant Writing for Early Career Scientists

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Grant Writing for Early Career Scientists

April 12, 2022
2:00 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom


The grant writing and review process can feel daunting and difficult to navigate for early career investigators. Learn tips and best practices from experts on how to successfully craft a scientific proposal for federal grants, industry partnerships, and non-profit support. After short presentations from each panelist, there will be a live question and answer session with the audience. This Zoom webinar is free and open to the public.


DOE Basic Energy Sciences - Early Career Network


Professor Phillip Christopher is the Mellichamp Chair in Sustainable Manufacturing and a Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His awards include a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

Professor Marc Kastner is Donner Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at MIT and Adjunct Professor of Physics at Stanford.  He was the founding president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance from 2015 through 2019; he is now a Senior Science Advisor to the Alliance. Kastner has chaired the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) since 2018.

Dr. Athena Sefat is a program manager for the Physical Behavior of Materials (PBM) program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) and oversees a few of the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) within BES. Dr. Sefat received a Department of Energy’s Office of Science Early Career Research Program Award in 2010 while at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Dr. Junko Yano is a Senior Scientist and interim Director in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She leads the Photodynamics Team in the Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA) and was one of the scientific leaders in the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP).