September 20 – December 7
Presented by Tom Hollon, Ph.D., Grant Consultant at OVPRGS
The fall semester course is now full, but this series will be offered again for spring semester.
The Iceman and Seabiscuit
This fall semester course of webinars and coaching will help investigators write an NIH R01 or R21 grant that wins. Advanced grantsmanship will be taught by example — revealing writing tricks and strategies from more than 50 funded NIH R01 grants for lab research, social science research, statistics, bioinformatics, and clinical trials.
About the instructor. Tom Hollon has helped MSU professors win more than $40,000,000 in grants. He has 15 years of experience helping researchers win grants and contracts, with special focus on NIH.
Limited Enrollment: No more than 15 MSU faculty preparing an application for a NIH R01 or R21 grant by February 2019. Preference will be given to faculty applying for R01s. Faculty writing R03 grants are not eligible.
Program overview and schedule. Webinars every two weeks will last 75 to 90 minutes and are recorded, so if you miss one you can catch it later. There is also one workshop. Each month you’ll get at least one hour of personal attention from Tom on any grant problem you’re grappling with. Then, after your research plan is reviewed by peers of your choosing, OVPRGS editors will edit it to help make your application its very best.
Sept 20 Webinar: Competitive advantage in NIH R01 grant writing. This kick-off webinar focuses on competitive advantages in NIH grant writing that most professors could use, but few do, and lays the foundation for the rest of the course.
Oct 2- 5 Individual grant strategy sessions. Tom will be on campus to meet with you by appointment to discuss anything in your grant you’re struggling with.
Oct 4 Onsite Workshop: Competitive intelligence using the NIH Reporter grants database. This free database can reveal what sort of research NIH has funded in your area, for how much, and which Program Officers to contact to discuss NIH’s interest in your work. Learn to use the Reporter to prepare to find the best study section to review your grant, and find copies of grants in your field to study as models.
Oct 18 Webinar: How to write Specific Aims and Abstracts that get reviewers excited. See examples of winning Specific Aims pages and find out what makes them great. Then do the same for abstracts.
Oct 26 Hotseat session: Specific Aims and Abstract. You’ll meet by conference call with Tom and two other class members to improve your - Nov 1 Specific Aims and Abstract.
Nov 1 Webinar: How to write exciting Significance and Innovation sections. See examples of winning Significance and Innovation sections and find out what makes them exciting.
Nov 5-9 Individual grant strategy sessions. Tom will be on campus to meet with you by appointment to discuss anything in your grant you’re having a problem with.
Nov 8-15 Hotseat session: Significance and Innovation. Your hotseat group will meet by conference call with Tom to review and improve your Significance and Innovation sections.
Nov 15 Webinar: How to make your Approach seem like a guaranteed sure thing. Examine winning grants for better ways to write the main parts of Approach, different ways to present preliminary data, how to describe risky experiments, how to summarize experiments and sell them at the same time, and better ways to make figures and tables exciting.
Nov 29 Webinar: Odds & Ends. Reading a Summary Statement, writing a revised application, biosketches, budget justification, facilities, Early-Stage Investigator support, human subjects’ protections, multi-PI statements, minority inclusion, data sharing plans, letters of support, cover letters, and the vertebrate animals statement.
Dec 3-7 Individual grant strategy sessions. Tom will be on campus to meet with you by appointment to discuss anything in your grant you’re struggling with.
TBD Peer Review and Editing. As a condition for acceptance in the course you agree to have your research plan peer-reviewed by at least two others in your field. After peer review you may schedule with OVPRGS to have your research plan professionally edited prior to submission.
End Result – probably the best application you’ve ever submitted, and a better understanding than ever of what it takes to win, when NIH pay lines are super tight.