
MSU Scholars System Demonstration

MSU Scholars System Demonstration

December 6, 2018
Hannah Administration Building

The MSU Scholars website will be upgraded in mid-November, with the system back-end being replaced with an Academic Analytics tool. Representatives from Academic Analytics will be on campus Thursday, December 6, to demonstrate the new website and explain its functionality.

This new MSU Scholars website will serve several different purposes:

  • It will be a public-facing website so anyone can view it, showcasing each faculty member’s scholarly activity (publications, grants, conference proceedings, books, scholarly awards, and patents).
  • Faculty will have a login, where they can make edits to their profiles (such as adding scholarly activity that doesn’t already appear).
  • The login will also allow faculty to search for grant funding opportunities specific to their own research interests (based on their publication and grant abstracts).  Such opportunities include not only Federal, but also industry and foundation grants.
  • Faculty can search for other experts on a topic with whom to collaborate.
  • AA also has a new Federal Grants Analysis tool that offers a detailed look at each department’s federal grant activity relative to their peers in the discipline nationwide, right down to the individual faculty level.

The 60-minute information sessions will be at these times and locations:

10:30 – 11:30  Administration Bldg, Room 337

1:30 – 2:30   Administration Bldg, Room 309-B

3:00 – 4:00  Administration Bldg, Room 309-B

Consider signing up for one of these sessions, and/or let others in your college know.

Please email Kyle Sweitzer ( to register.