Learn about the types of funding available to support research in the humanities and humanities-related social sciences and how to compete for them. This webinar, led by Lucy Deckard of Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC, focuses on how to complete for grants from the NEH, NEA, private foundations and grants to travel to collections and libraries.
Lucy Deckard is the President of Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC, a consulting firm she founded in 2010 that provides services to help academic institutions, faculty and staff develop the expertise in-house to identify funding opportunities, understand funding agencies, and develop successful research grant proposals. Previously, Ms. Deckard served as Associate Director of the Texas A&M University's Office of Proposal Development.
She has helped to develop and write successful proposals to NIH, NSF, the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, NEH, IMLS, and other agencies and foundations, including proposals for large institutional and center-level grants. In the course of that work, she has learned what reviewers are looking for, observed strategies that work well, and identified common mistakes to avoid.
Before joining Texas A&M, she worked for 16 years as a research engineer in industry at companies including Lockheed Martin and Hughes Research Labs, obtaining funding from DoD, DARPA and the Department of Energy. She has a B.S. in Materials Science from Rice University and an M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University.
For more information about Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC, visit their website.