
HFH+MSU HS New Processes Begin Nov. 1

TO:            Health Sciences Faculty in CHM, COM, CON

FROM:      Doug Gage

SUBJECT: HFH+MSU Health Sciences Research – New Processes begin Nov. 1, 2022

Dear Colleagues:

Our plan to develop a joint health research program with our partners at Henry Ford Health continues to make strong progress.

To date, nearly 100 HFH faculty members have been appointed to MSU. These faculty researchers will have an appointment at MSU in one of the health science colleges (Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, or Nursing) for conducting their research and access to resources.

Demonstration of our combined research excellence required the development of an organization for the submission of new proposals and acceptance of awards. Henry Ford Health+Michigan State University Health Sciences (HFH+MSU HS) is now a federally recognized entity under Michigan State University.

How does this impact you?

When using the MSU Kuali Research system, only a few minor changes will occur when submitting a proposal. The bullet points below draw attention to the important changes:

  • Proposal submissions and award acceptance under HFH+MSU HS will occur in phases. The first phase will begin on November 1st. This phase includes grant and cooperative agreement applications (excluding contract proposals) submitted directly to NIH where the lead PI is from Henry Ford Health or MSU and has a base appointment in CHM, COM, or Nursing. NIH proposal submissions where the lead PI’s base appointment is outside of CHM/COM/Nursing will continue to be submitted through Michigan State University (even if there is a Co-I on the proposal from CHM/COM/Nursing/HFH).  
  • The first potential project start date for HFH+MSU HS awards is July 1, 2023.
  • The process for submitting proposals through HFH+MSU HS is very similar to the process for submitting through MSU.  Kuali Research has been updated to allow HFH+MSU HS to be selected as the Applicant, and two new questions have been added to help with reporting.
  • A new Institutional Profile has been created in eRA Commons (NIH’s proposal and award system) for HFH+MSU HS. PIs submitting proposals through HFH+MSU HS must be affiliated with the new Profile prior to proposal submission.  New proposals submitted and awards received under HFH+MSU HS will appear under the new organization.  For instructions on how to change the affiliated institution in eRA Commons, see: Changing the Displayed Affiliated Institution.

Please refer to this FAQ for many commonly asked questions.

Contact information:

  • For MSU proposal and budget related questions, please email or call 517-432-4789.
  • For questions related to affiliations and eRA Commons, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs .
  • For technical Kuali Research (KR) or Conflict of Interest (COI) questions, please contact the KR help desk at or 517-355-2000
  • Specific proposal questions should be directed to your HFHS grant manager or MSU research administrator in your home unit.

We appreciate your patience as we work through these changes. Thank you for your support of this important implementation.

Best regards,

Douglas A. Gage, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Innovation