
DFI Session I Award Recipients Announced

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Oct 24, 2022

After completion of the most recent competition cycle, we are pleased to announce the following Discretionary Funding Initiative grant award recipients for Session I. 

Thanks to the generosity of the MSU Foundation, the Office of Research and Innovation is proud to support faculty research efforts by providing bridge funds for additional studies needed for resubmission of a grant application to the same funding agency. Best of luck to all of the recipients and good luck on your proposal resubmission!

For more information about DFI, please visit the related web page.


DFI Session I

Lead Project Title Department College
Ning Jiang  Establishing double haploid rice populations for mapping and validating traits involved in the transition of mating system and life history in rice Horticulture Agriculture and Natural Resources 
Robert J. McGough Establishing enhanced fractional calculus models for shear waves in medical ultrasound Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering
Sangbum Park Understanding mechanisms of skin barrier regeneration in live mammals Medicine Human Medicine
Galit Pelled The neurobehavioral sequela and neuroimaging biomarkers of mild TBI in adolescence pigs Mechanical Engineering Engineering
Milton R. Smith, III Metal-catalyzed C-H Borylation: Mechanism, Scope, and Applications Chemistry Natural Science
Songqiao Wei The roles of water in the Alaska subduction zone: From megathrust earthquakes to arc magmatism Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Science