
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Receives Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award

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Oct 09, 2024

Linda L. Horton, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science associate deputy director for Science Programs and acting associate director of the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics, presented a DOE Secretary of Energy Achievement Award — DOE’s highest recognition for team achievements — to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Project team. The project team designed and established FRIB—on budget and ahead of schedule. Michigan State University now operates FRIB as a user facility for DOE-SC, with financial support from and furthering the mission of DOE-SC NP.

DOE-SC nominated the FRIB Project team for the award, which was announced at the annual Secretary’s Honor Awards ceremony held Feb. 20. The Secretary’s Honor Awards are given every year to individuals and teams whose service has gone above and beyond expectations and for contributions having lasting impacts on both DOE and the United States. These awards are among the highest forms of internal, non-monetary recognition DOE federal and contractor employees can receive.

“I’m honored to present this award to the FRIB Project team for their incredible efforts delivering FRIB as a user facility for the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics. Completing the 14-year project on budget and ahead of schedule is the product of their exemplary project management, steadfast oversight, and remarkable perseverance,” said Horton. “This new Office of Science user facility supports a vibrant community of 1,800 scientists, enabling new avenues for research and technical advancements, forwarding several DOE missions, and advancing the nation’s science and technology leadership and competitiveness. Congratulations to the FRIB Project team!”

FRIB Laboratory Director Thomas Glasmacher, former Project Manager and Deputy Laboratory Director Paul Mantica, former Scientific Director Brad Sherrill, Experimental Systems Director Georg Bollen, and Accelerator Systems Division Director Jie Wei accepted the award on behalf of the FRIB Project team.