Marianne Huebner, Director of the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting, or CSTAT
The Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the appointment of Marianne Huebner, Ph.D., as the new director of the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting, or CSTAT.
In this role, Huebner will facilitate and manage statistical support and training opportunities for MSU faculty, staff and graduate students and external clients.
Huebner comes to the position with a wealth of experience, having been senior associate consultant at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where she directed consulting for the Department of Surgery.
She has also held a visiting position at the University Medical Center in Hamburg, Germany, where she collaborated with the bioinformatics core, epidemiology research team and the medical biometry consulting group.
During her career, Huebner has served on grant proposal review panels for NSF, NIH and USDA. Her research spans biostatistics, dynamic prediction models in medical research, data mining of electronic health records and statistical genetics, with applications in breast and colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases, health education and sports medicine.
Huebner is a leader in the development of principled statistical methodology for initial data analysis. In addition to serving as director of CSTAT, Huebner is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Statistics and Probability at MSU.