
MSU Launches Bioinformatics Core Facility

May 09, 2023

Introducing the MSU Bioinformatics Core

The MSU Bioinformatics Core is a collaboration among bioinformatics consultants from the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER), the Research Technology Support Facility (RTSF), and the Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC). These units consolidated their expertise to best serve the bioinformatics needs of MSU’s research community. Dr. Brian O’Shea is the interim director.

Mission Statement

The Bioinformatics Core supports researchers by analyzing complex omics data, integrating data from multiple methodologies, and providing a meaningful biological context for the results. It is involved at all stages of the investigative process including grant development, experimental design, constructing and maintaining reproducible workflows, writing and reviewing manuscripts, and providing training for researchers at all stages of their careers.


  • RNA-seq and ATAC-seq (bulk and single cell)
  • ChIP-seq & CUT&RUN
  • Genome assembly
  • Variant calling
  • Metagenomics
  • Metabolomics and proteomics
  • Training and more

Grant Support

  • Advice on the bioinformatic and data science aspects of your research proposal
  • Experimental design and methods consultation
  • Letters of support
  • Facilities statements
  • Budget planning


The listed services are intended to be carried out as discrete, short-term collaborations. Consultants can also be involved in flexible, long-term projects for up to 10% FTE/year.


More information on the MSU Bioinformatics Core can be found on their website. The facility can also be contacted via email at