
Trifecta Initiative Facilitating Fund Awards Announced

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Feb 05, 2024

The Colleges of Communication Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and Nursing at Michigan State University collaborate to produce the Trifecta Initiative: a winning partnership of three innovative colleges. With support and investment from all three colleges, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of Research and Innovation, Trifecta is a launchpad for interdisciplinary development of innovative computing and communication technologies to improve healthcare and address health disparities.  

The Trifecta Initiative Facilitating Fund (TIFF) Awards are designed to provide investigators from the Trifecta Initiative colleges with resources towards federally funded NIH or NSF proposals and is intended for targeted data collection and/or statistical consultations and analysis of existing data. Other expenditures towards finalizing an NIH or NSF proposal could include such things as visits with an NIH or NSF program officer, publication costs, or travel costs for conferences.  

Recent years have seen significant success in the strength of the Trifecta program. Focusing on the larger external funding opportunities these projects evolve into, including utilizing available grant writing resources, has improved the quality and success of external proposals.  

The recipients for the Fall 2023 TIFF awards have been announced, with eleven faculty members representing four selected projects.  

The Office of Research and Innovation takes pride in supporting faculty members engaged in projects that encourage interdisciplinary research and promote health equity. Congratulations to the following faculty awarded Trifecta grants for Fall 2023.   

Trifecta Group Project Title

Argyris, Young Anna – Communication Arts and Sciences

Pang-Ning, Tan – College of Engineering  

Kordjamshidi, Parisa - College of Engineering  

Collection of a preliminary dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of our conversational agent in medical clinics serving rural Michigan  

Knowles, Thea – Communication Arts and Sciences  

Keilman, Linda College of Nursing
Speech and Interaction in Parkinson Disease: Behavioral and Augmentative Approaches to Communication  

Liu, Cheng-Ching – College of Nursing

Rhodes, Nancy – Communication Arts and Sciences

Ewoldsen, DavidCommunication Arts and Sciences  

Development and Pilot Testing a Video-Based Intervention to Promote HPV Vaccination Among College Students

Oh, Yoo Jung – Communication Arts and Sciences 

Lehto, Rebecca – College of Nursing

Lee, Hae-Na - College of Engineering  
Support Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot for Socially Isolated Older Adults