
Four Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

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Four Spartan Engineering faculty members at Michigan State University have received National Science Foundation Early Career Development (CAREER) Awards and will advance their research efforts with a combined $1.88 million over the next five years.

NSF CAREER Awards support junior faculty members who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research and education. It is among NSF’s most prestigious national honors.

Engineering Dean Leo Kempel said four more NSF CAREER Awards bring the college’s total to 21 in the past five years.

“This is a very prestigious award for early career faculty members,” Kempel said. “I know from personal experience that it can be transformational for a faculty member and allows them to investigate a new area of scholarship with secure funding for at least five years. I am very proud of all of my colleagues in the College of Engineering and look forward to how they transform their work into future innovations with the help of this support.”

To read about the recipients, visit