MSU policies and procedures for limited submission funding opportunities
A limited submission program is defined as a program/funding announcement where the sponsor restricts the number of applications or proposals that can be submitted from a given institution. The guidelines for such funding opportunities place a responsibility of selection on the institution.
Procedures to select applications for all limited submission programs/announcements:
- Pre-proposals will be required for EACH limited submission program. Pre-proposals must be submitted electronically to
- Pre-proposals will be reviewed by an ad hoc review committee (normally to include Research Associate Deans, key senior faculty, and a representative from the Office of Research and Innovation (R&I)). This committee will make recommendations to R&I regarding which applications are allowed to go forward. Notification of application approval will follow the procedure outlined below in the Notification section.
- If a faculty member brings an unknown limited submission opportunity to the attention of R&I within eight weeks before the submission deadline, applications will be approved on a first come, first served basis, and only the cover page will be required.
If the submission deadline is more than eight weeks from notification, a solicitation for pre-proposals will be distributed and handled as described above.
Special areas where limited competition may be discipline restricted, the same protocol will be used, but the review committee may be constituted within that unit/discipline.
Structure of the Internal Pre-proposal Application:
- A cover page form that includes the project title and list of investigators
- 3 – 5 page project summary
- Two-page curriculum vita for each PI
- Total project budget estimate
- Total project cost share estimate, if applicable
- A letter of agreement to match from the lead department (if applicable)
- Additional documentation required by the specific solicitation
- Additional supporting information deemed relevant by the investigator (not required)
Applications that do not follow these guidelines will be returned and PIs will be given 24 hours to conform to guidelines.
Selection will be based on reviewer’s comments in accordance with funding agency’s review criteria.
Notification of approval decisions:
PIs, chairs, and deans will be notified of the outcome of the pre-proposal selection process by e-mail.
- PIs of approved proposals are required to confirm intent to submit a full proposal by sending an e-mail to within two working days
- If confirmation is NOT received within two days, the review committee will recommend a new candidate
- Once confirmation is received, candidates not selected will be notified and OSP will be informed of the candidates selected to submit full proposals
Graduate students note: Institutionally limited funding programs and fellowships are available for graduate students and are managed by the Graduate School. Please contact the office for more information or to receive approval to move forward with an application.
The Graduate School
Chittenden Hall
466 W Circle Dr., Room 230
East Lansing, MI 48824 US