
Building Safety Plan Information


August 17, 2020

TO:  Deans, Directors, and Chairs

FROM:  J.R. Haywood, Office of Regulatory Affairs

As we prepare for undergraduates to return to campus, we need to keep our buildings and campus safe for students to return to class and employees to come back to work. In opening campus buildings, we have considered building readiness (e.g., HVAC function, water safety, and functional equipment). For laboratory research buildings, we also requested that a building safety plan be prepared and reviewed by Environmental Health and Safety. Finally, laboratory safety plans were prepared and reviewed. With students returning, a much broader range of activities will occur – classrooms, laboratory classes, broader range of research and scholarly activities, etc.

Most buildings are now ready for faculty and staff to return to work. To prepare departments and colleges for the wide range of activities, we have prepared a “Building Safety Information Plan” that will serve as the principal safety plan for all buildings replacing the building safety plan in research buildings. It will be important for each building to share and review the plan with its occupants so that everyone can work together to promote building safety. This Plan will complement the “Framework for Returning Administrative Units to Campus”. Following these plans will provide the foundation for departments and colleges conform to Executive Orders and MSU policies to help for a safe return. With face coverings, physical distancing, effective disinfection, and all the other precautions, faculty and staff may have access to their offices, classrooms, and buildings to prepare for the new semester.

View printable PDF of Building Safety Plan.