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Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition

Information and resources related to the 2025 Federal Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified. learn more

Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance

The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance (OCR) is comprised of the Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department (POE), the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), the Office of the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, and the Resolution Office. OCR supports the campus community in creating and maintaining a safe environment and a culture of respect through educating all campus community members regarding how to prevent, identify, appropriately respond to, and report discrimination, harassment, stalking, sexual assault, and relationship violence; conducting impartial, fair, supportive, and equitable investigations of complaints under MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy (RVSM Policy) and MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy (ADP); and connecting those impacted by discrimination, harassment, relationship violence, and sexual misconduct with campus and community resources.

Learn more at https://civilrights.msu.edu/