In this panel discussion, participants will gain insights on how to write successful CAREER proposals that integrate their research and education plans. The panel includes Angela Wilson, University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and former Director of the Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation, along with MSU faculty who are recent recipients of NSF CAREER awards.
Terrance Burgess, Assistant Professor, Science Education, College of Education
Haseung Chung, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Selvan (Selly) Demir, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Science
Debajit Saha, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Elizabeth (Betsy) Sneller, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, College of Arts and Letters
Angela Wilson, John H. Hannah Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, College of Natural Science
This event is available through the generous support of the Michigan State University Research Foundation