Fourteen faculty have received Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Production Awards for the 2023 academic year. The Office of Research and Innovation is proud to help support faculty who are conducting important research leading to creative and performance projects or activities in the arts and humanities. Support for this program is made possible, in part, through the generosity of the MSU Research Foundation.
The HARP Production awards help provide funds, when research is complete, to subsidize the costs of book publication, permissions to use copyrighted materials, CD recording and production, the creation and mounting of exhibits, and other expenses associated with producing the results of a complete creative or research project.
The following faculty have been awarded HARP Production grants:

Shireen Al-Adeimi, assistant professor, Language and Literacy, College of Education, has written The Story of Modern Yemen that will explore the conflict in Yemen; why it is happening, why it matters, and how it has impacted the lives of Yemen’s people. The book will include a variety of perspectives, including personal experiences from working alongside political grassroots organizations that wish to end the war.

Kaveh Askari, associate professor, Director of Film Studies, College of Arts and Letters, intends to publish a work called Searching for Filmfarsi which will serve as a reference book for Iranian cinema. The book will include multiple pieces of media that would otherwise be banned if published in contemporary Iran.

Yomaira Figueroa, associate professor, Department of English, College of Arts and Letters, will be translating her first academic monograph Diásporas decolonizadoras: cartografías radicales de literaturas Afroatlánticas. Her work studies theories of decoloniality, women of color feminisms, and feminist philosophy.

Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, professor, School of Criminal Justice, College of Social Science, will be completing and publishing Policing the Pandemic, a book on the exploration of police agencies in the United Kingdom and United States and how they adjusted during the COVID-19 pandemic and afterwards.

Yvonne Lam, assistant professor of Violin, College of Music, will be performing and recording an album titled Watch Over Us, which contains solo violin and electronic tracks written by six female composers. The album aims to bring visibility to works composed by women, as classical music and the electronic music sub-genre under-represent these composers.

Marsha MacDowell, professor, Department of Art, Art History, and Design, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, is publishing a manuscript that is the culmination of over 20 years of research. Titled Quilts and Related Textiles of South Africa, the project is an illustrated volume of more than 300 pages of South African art history and the connection that the textile art form has to settler populations, political history, economic needs, and health pandemics.

Merry Morash, professor, School of Criminal Justice, College of Social Science, will be publishing a book titled In a Box: Gender Responsive Reform in the Age of Mass Community Supervision and Neoliberal Policies that will highlight unique Michigan Department of Corrections approaches to gender-responsive reforms in community supervision.

Randy Napoleon, associate professor of Jazz Guitar, College of Music, will be producing a CD that celebrates the work of Freddy Cole—younger brother of Nat King Cole—and the musical heritage he brought to jazz music. The CD will feature performances from many of the artists who toured with Freddy Cole and will be performed in the guitar trio format.

Derek Polischuk, professor of Piano, College of Music, plans to publish a CD that highlights works from female composers who have been largely neglected in classical music. Some of the works being performed have also never been recorded, further allowing the compositions to rise to a level they deserve within the classical genre.

Ken Prouty, associate professor, Musicology and Jazz Studies, College of Music, is publishing his book titled Learning Jazz: Critical Perspectives on Jazz Education, Historiography, and Public Pedagogy, a critical look at the study of jazz across both formal and informal institutions.

Rob Roznowski, professor, Head of Acting and Directing, College of Arts and Letters, is researching and writing several plays to be performed across Michigan during Fall of 2023. The shows will focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) concepts for elementary schools, and showcase how arts can be a powerful medium for teaching about STEAM.

Johanna Schuster-Craig, assistant professor, Global Studies in Arts and Humanities, College of Arts and Letters, will be publishing her first book One Word Shapes a Nation. The work is an extensive study covering seven decades of postwar German migration history with an exploration on how media scandals, migration history, and social work programming help shape how newcomers find their place in German society.

Judith Walgren, professor of practice, Department of Journalism, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, will publish Critical Photojournalism: Practice, Ethics and Business, a 16-chapter book that will position itself as the new standard and definitive publication on the practice of photojournalism.

Joshua Yumibe, professor, Film and Media Studies, College of Arts and Letters, is collaborating on a joint book project titled Global Film Color: The Monopack Revolution at Midcentury that will bring together fourteen different essays on color cinema by a wide range of scholars from across the world.
The HARP Production Awards are one of three categories of HARP awards, which include Development, Production, and Large-Scale categories. Congratulations to all faculty that received funding for this program and thank you to the MSU Research Foundation for their continued generosity in supporting this award. For more information on the HARP Awards, please visit our Internal Funding page.