
Red Cedar Distinguished Professor

Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition

Information and resources related to the 2025 Federal Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified. learn more


Established in Fall 2022, the university awards the title "Red Cedar Distinguished Professor" to selected current and new faculty to assist MSU in recruitment, recognition, and retention of outstanding faculty at all academic ranks, with the primary aim of enhancing the stature of the institution in research and creative activity.

The award of the title will be made to individuals who combine externally recognized, exemplary scholarly accomplishment and/or potential, with clear professional relevance to specific areas of MSU scholarly need, disciplinary development, or research or creative emphasis. Consideration will also include the candidate's teaching innovation and excellence.

Faculty awardees retain the title of "Red Cedar Distinguished Professor" for the duration of their service at MSU. Each also receives scholarly support for the first three years after their award. The funds are provided equally by the nominating college(s), the Vice President for Research and Innovation, and the Provost.

Nomination Process

Submission materials for the online form should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Dean(s).
  2. Substantial and laudatory written assessment of the accomplishments and/or prospects of the awardee from external peer reviewers. 
  3. Current CV of the nominee.

Upon selection, the nominating dean and awardee will be notified of approval by the Office of Research and Innovation, and the home college of the professor will prepare an announcement to the University community. Nominations for Red Cedar Distinguished Professorships are accepted throughout the year and reviewed by committee in the Fall and Spring semesters. New Red Cedar Distinguished Professors are invited to the university investiture event held in the fall.

The next deadline for nominations is February 14, 2025.


For any questions, please contact:

Brooke Gallagher-Rademacher
Chief of Staff
Office of Research and Innovation
Email galla106@msu.edu

Red Cedar Distinguished Professors

Year designates the fiscal/academic year of the appointment.

Ángel Abuelo, 2025, College of Veterniary Medicine, Large Animal Clinical Sciences

Patrick Edger, 2024, College of Agriculture and Natural Science, Department of Horticulture

Sarah Evans, 2024, College of Natural Science, Integrative Biology, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program

Gina Leinninger, 2024, College of Natural Science, Department of Physiology

Zhaojian Li, 2024, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Michelle Moyd, 2023, College of Social Science, Department of History

Karin Pfeiffer, 2024, College of Education, Institute for the Study of Youth Sports

Yadu Pokhrel, 2025, College of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Shin-Han Shiu, 2024, College of Natural Science, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Plant Biology

Irving Vega, 2023, College of Human Medicine, Department of Translational Neuroscience

Kui Xie, 2024, College of Education, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education

Minami Yoda, 2024, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Elise Zipkin, 2024, College of Natural Science, Integrative Biology, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program