Uncovering a ‘Parallel Universe’ in Tomato Genetics
Michigan State University researchers have unraveled a surprising genetic mystery centered on sugars found in what gardeners know as “tomato tar.”
Survey From MSU and Others Finds Positive Perceptions of Solar Projects
A new survey has found that for residents living within three miles of a large-scale solar development, positive attitudes outnumbered negative attitudes by almost a 3-to-1 margin.
MSU Researchers Set New Standards and Show How a New Treatment Helps Patients with MS, ALS, Parkinson’s Disease
Researchers from Michigan State University say it is possible for nanoparticles to go through the digestive system and deliver medicine directly to the brain tissue.
Research Suggests Darker Side of Being Politically Confident
New research from Michigan State University suggests that those who feel self-confident about their political abilities are more likely to discriminate against those who hold opposing political views.
Looking at How Electrons Move Within Protein Nanocrystals
Researchers believe that understanding how electrons move within small, natural systems could power a more sustainable future for our energy grid.
From Negative Results to New Discoveries
Photosynthesis is a complex process, involving many pathways and puzzle pieces working together to keep the organism alive.
MSU Researchers Find More Action Needed to Prevent Arthritis
The prevalence of early knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms faced by patients after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is staggering, but not much is being done to address it.
Financial News with a Political Slant? MSU Research Says Polarization Boosts Trading
Over the last decade, political polarization has reached new heights in the United States. But is it possible for such opposition to lead to something positive? According to new research from Michigan State University, yes — especially for the stock market.