
FAA Remote ID Requirements

Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition

Information and resources related to the 2025 Federal Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting from Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified. learn more

Drone Remote ID Compliance Survey

This survey is required for all drones operated by MSU employees conducting MSU activities related to research, education, outreach and business. This includes drones you may have purchased outside of the official MSU policy (i.e., purchased and registered personally). The information you provide will ensure MSU is abiding by rules set forth by the FAA.

To operate a drone legally it must meet FAA requirements for Remote ID. This may require purchase of separate Remote ID module if your drone does not have internal (standard) Remote ID broadcast functionality. Check the FAA compliance page to see if your drone or remote ID module is compliant.

  • If your drone is not compliant and you have not yet secured a Remote ID module, obtain a module before completing this survey. 
  • If you registered a drone yourself outside of official MSU policy, login to FAA DroneZone and follow the steps below.


Steps to Conform to FAA Remote ID Requirements

Declaration of Compliance

  1. Visit the Declaration of Compliance website (https://uasdoc.faa.gov/listDocs).
  2. Search for your drone. You can filter your search to find your drone. Note that older generations of a drone may not be compliant while a newer version may be. Review the range of serial numbers.
  3. If your drone is not compliant, then search for the Remote ID module that you will affix to your drone during operations. For example, a Dronetag.
  4. Save a copy of the applicable Declaration of Compliance. You will need this when you fill out the Remote ID Compliance survey form.

Edit Drone Registration to Indicate Remote ID Compliance

If the drone was registered through the Export Control Dashboard, the following steps will be completed by the Office of Research and Innovation. If you registered the drone yourself, complete the steps below. 

  1. Log into FAADroneZone (https://faadronezone-access.faa.gov/#/).
  2. Once logged in, click FAADRONEZONE SERVICES.
  3. Next, click Launch Drone Owners and Pilots Dashboard.
  4. Click Manage Device Inventory.
  5. For each drone, click the 3 dots at the end of the item list and select Edit.
  6. Click Yes to indicate that your drone broadcasts Remote ID information. 
  7. Next, for UAS TYPE, set the device type to either Standard Remote ID (Functionality built into the drone itself) or Remote ID Broadcast Module (aftermarket module, such as Dronetag).
  8. Choose Standard Remote ID if your aircraft is compliant and click Save
    1. If the serial number for your aircraft is not compliant, you will need to obtain a remote ID module. 
    2. In some cases, the serial number of the drone itself is not what you need to enter. You may need to find the serial number of the Remote ID module within the drone or upgrade the drone firmware and locate the remote ID serial number. Reach out to the manufacturer if necessary.
  9. If you choose Remote ID Broadcast Module, type in the serial number of your remote ID module and click Save.
  10. To make sure your changes were saved, click on the 3 dots at the end of the drone item list and select Details. Your Remote ID information should now be updated.
  11. Save a copy of the device details showing the updated information. You will need this when you fill out the Remote ID Compliance survey form. 


General Questions

For general questions please email ORI.Drones@msu.edu or use the contact form below.