The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is a multi-faceted Agency with a broad mission area that includes protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, regulating genetically engineered organisms, administering the Animal Welfare Act and carrying out wildlife damage management activities. These efforts support the overall mission of USDA, which is to protect and promote food, agriculture, natural resources and related issues.
Open Access Monograph Publishing Award
The Open Access Monograph Publishing Award (OAMPA) provides $15,000 to be used as a subvention in support of the publication of an open-access...more
The Center for Advanced Study of International Development (CASID) at Michigan State University is a multidisciplinary unit in the College of Social Science organized in cooperation with the Office of the Dean of International Studies and Programs.
The DUNS number is a nine-digit number, issued by Dun &Bradstreet®, assigned to each business location in the D&B database, having a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose of identifying them. The DUNS number is random, and the digits have no apparent significance.
Michigan State University's DUNS numbers can be found in the MSU Manual of Business Procedures.
The Economic Development Administration's mission is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.
Academic Orientation Program for parents and incoming Michigan State University undergraduates, including freshmen, transfer and international students.
The College of Communication Arts & Sciences or sometimes "comm arts."
The Direct Pay Voucher voucher was designed to simplify payment when a requisition and purchase order are not required because of the nature of the payment. If permissible under university policy, the MSU Purchasing Card or University Stores Open Orders should be used whenever possible. When purchasing goods in excess of MSU Purchasing Card limits (more than $2,500 per item), route Direct Payment Voucher to Purchasing for approval.
Michigan State University provides centrally funded network-based AFS storage space to faculty, staff, and students as well as for course usage.
AFS is an acronym for "Andrew File System" which was developed at Carnegie Mellon University starting in 1984. The idea was to provide a campus-wide file system for home directories which would run effectively using a limited bandwidth campus backbone network.
Enterprise Business Systems is Michigan State University's financial and human resources system.
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR; never pronounced "canner") is the first college established at Michigan State University.
CANR covers a wide range of academic disciplines. Virtually every aspect of food and fiber production and distribution, and natural resource management is included within the college.